Our University’s educational philosophy is
the foundation of our belief
and “our mindset” to protect and develop it.
It is written in the official university regulation documents,
Freedom (自由) / Truth(眞理) / Creativity(創造)
and the meaning is delivered on and off the campus through various symbols.
Intellectuals with individual autonomy and freedom of academic knowledge Liberated spirits for individual autonomy,
independence, and academic exploration
Dialectically integrated liberty and freedom
Intellectuals with individual autonomy and freedom of academic knowledge -
Intellectual with the spirit of exploring truth and righteousness Relentless exploring souls, scholastic attitude towards the 'truth'
Responsibility for history and society
Intellectual with the spirit of exploring truth and righteousness -
Creative and open minded intellectuals who are ready for the future Diversity, open and informatization of education
A future oriented university
Creative and open minded intellectuals are can ready for the future
관리 담당부서
기획평가과 (+82-33-640-2010)
최종수정일 : 2023. 4. 24.