Exchange Program
Students in our sister universities can study at Gangneung-Wonju National University for either 6 months or a year. They also have a privilege to study Korean for free at the Korean Language School on campus.
Exchange students have two options
- Option 1 : Take university courses only
- Option 2 : Take both university courses and Korean language School courses
Either way, you must earn at least six credits from the university courses.
① University Course |
② Korean Language Course |
Semester |
2 Semesters
4 Semesters
Credit |
Per semester : 6~18 credits |
1 term : 12 credits 2 terms : 16 credits Check if the credits from the KLS courses can be approved by your home institution. |
Medium of |
Most of the university courses are taught in Korean, and some are taught in English. |
Korean |
Department & Major |
Not Applicable |
Grading System |
A+ : 4.5(95-100) A0 : 4.0(90-94) B+ : 3.5(85-89) B0 : 3.0(80-84) |
C+ : 2.5(75-79) C0 : 2.0(70-74) D+ : 1.5(65-69) D0 : 1.0(60-64) F : 0.0(0-59) |
Timetable |
It depends on which courses you take. |
It is obligatory for all exchange students to stay on campus.
관리 담당부서
국제교류지원실 (+82-33-640-2778)
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