National University
Gangneung Campus
College of Humanities
College of Humanities
WebsiteThe College of Humanities aims to cultivate students who can contribute to the nation and human society through in-depth research. Also, we help students to nurture righteous value systems based on new and wide-ranging exploration, rational thinking, and creativity.
College of Social Sciences
WebsiteThe College of Social Science consists of the Dept. of Economics, Business Administration, Accounting, International Trade, Urban Planning and Real Estate, Law, Tourism Management, Local Government Administration, and International Commerce and Area Studies. We aim to grow students’ abilities and qualifications so they can comprehend society based on the information and their knowledge in a rapidly-changing diverse world.
College of Social Sciences
College of Natural Sciences
College of Natural Sciences
WebsiteThe College of Nature Science aims to cultivate professional talent who further advance their explorative abilities for applied sciences by completing theories and practical training of the basic sciences. Based on this, students can use their capabilities to estimate the standard of a country and society and the fundamentals for international competitiveness to contribute to human society.
College of Life Sciences
WebsiteThe College of Life Science concentrates on educating the fields of applied life sciences and developing research abilities. We cultivate students with the creative talent that the bio-industry desires and experts who contribute to industrial growth.
College of Life Sciences
College of Engineering
College of Engineering
WebsiteThe College of Engineering offers top-class engineering education that conforms to global standards to foster our students as professional engineers with international competitiveness. In addition, we lead the R&D and technological innovations in the fields of the green technology industry as the leading university for advanced materials & new/renewable energy clusters in the East Sea Zone.
College of Arts and Physical Education
WebsiteThe College of Arts and Physical Education has unique characteristics across 4 different departments. Students in these departments continuously train and refine their crafts and competencies by participating in exhibitions, competitions, exchanges, and sports. We offer modern facilities, including the culture center, exhibition halls, and amphitheater, so our students can fully concentrate on their development.
College of Arts and Physical Education
College of Dentistry
College of Dentistry
WebsiteThe College of Dentistry is the only college of dentistry based in the Gangwondo area. The college boasts cutting-edge facilities, including lecture halls and experiment facilities where every student’s preference can be met. We also have our dental hospital, which makes it possible to maintain an advanced level of clinical training. In addition, the Dept. of Dental Hygiene was newly installed in 2010 to cultivate professional dental experts. The College of Dentistry has been accredited by the Korea Institute of Dental Education and Evaluation (certification period 2016~2019) according to Article 11-2 of the Higher Education Act. It has been recognized for its advanced dental education quality.
2025학년도부터 자유전공학부를 모집합니다.
National University
Wonju Campus
College of Health and Welfare
WebsiteThe College of Health and Welfare is student-centered with a partner of the region to cultivate specialists needed in future society and where the older generation and multicultural families are increasing. We foster students to be creative and actively contribute to a better quality of life.
College of Health and Welfare
College of Science and Technology
College of Science and Technology
WebsiteThe College of Science and Technology leads the era of cutting-edge science technologies of the future. We cultivate students with professional knowledge and practical skills to contribute to developing the nation’s new growth industries and progressive community.
The Dept. of Dental Hygiene, Dept. of Predentistry, Dept. of Early Childhood Education, and the Dept. of Nursing do not accept new students.
관리 담당부서
단과대학행정실 (+82-33-640-1711)
최종수정일 : 2024. 6. 3.